Episode 18

Published on:

25th Nov 2024

Chaburas Yosef Hatzadik (213) Avraham’s Power Is Invested in Our Souls

00:00 Introduction

00:55 Learning from the Sfas Emes

01:28 The Ten Tests of Avraham Avinu

04:35 Avraham's Legacy and Our Challenges

08:27 The Story of the Innkeeper

12:39 The Message of Baal Shem Tov

15:39 The Strength of Avraham Within Us

19:30 Facing Modern Challenges

23:13 Connecting to Our Ancestors

28:08 The Importance of Ten

31:03 Choosing the Path of Avraham

45:10 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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the whole family sponsoring [:

So, this [:

d be part, a way to actually [:

w'd it go? We'll talk later. [:

ha'sham. The ten nisyanis of [:

fe that we're challenged by. [:

out okay? Chav Gimel? Yeah. [:

with me personally? There's [:

d he says, Avraham nesnaseh, [:

ten utterances of creation, [:

n't need to go through that. [:

n emar, v'yikra av v'mesheim [:

ponsibility in our lives, is [:

and this will enable [:

in Chalik, in Sanhedrin, the [:

shall nesyones halalum, the [:

He's going to look back and [:

And, and the ten Nisyanis [:

ion of it is that, that, um, [:

the Chasidim to that place. [:

from outside, they heard the [:

ed. And the reason I said to [:

r a Jew here, in this place, [:

Shem Tov, that he was here. [:

ll you something? So he said [:

already. I was here. And the [:

here, and this fellow passed [:

But the, but the [:

It wasn't [:

re others like this, not all [:


vasem is just talking about. [:

tests [:

For us, Parish, so [:

very famous. It was actually [:


why every single test that a [:

d they, and they brought him [:

ught that this is a moifist. [:

It couldn't be. [:

, nizbarer, ki nekudas avram [:

The [:

In the shyness, there's a [:

s inside each and every Jew. [:

A big Nephilim was like, I'm [:

the last thing before we do [:

All of this world.[:

rances to created the world. [:

Attend utterances, attend . [:

do you mean, uh, Tennesseans?[:

em b'yessah se'ez? Vayimokum [:

d we know that the Suton Cas [:

with shamburg. [:

shem from a distance was, or [:

zharah are sacrificing kids. [:

machim mirachoch. V'zeh ikke [:

not allow the Satan to, to, [:

Avinu. Well, for the moment, [:

Rach musta, that in the pnim [:

I am defending you. Meaning, [:

And that's how [:

ion is Afl Pishachotu Yisro, [:

tells us that who's the one [:

d Avraham Avinu says to you, [:

Avraham Avinu says,[:

from the, the, uh, the, uh, [:

, our pride, our father, our [:

lay the song at the end. You [:

s. Nei zeh, seideh zeh. Acha [:

So why, [:

So Amaral [:


eans he went through all the [:

this, Avraham, B'kol chelkei [:

Avinu completed the course. [:

s the connection back on top.[:

To, to make the choice that [:

He's a [:

will have supernatural help [:

ugh this and so can you. And [:

kids, ourselves up to, up to [:

course, many of those akedos [:

m to remember Akedez Yisraq, [:

Let's go. Mashiach [:

And the [:

u sake. And I am, I'm making [:

d up for a Kedah. That's the [:

rselves to be, to be killed. [:

t listen to the words of the [:

So, everything that Avraham [:

At [:

or, ad ikvesh ha de Meshich. [:

did with all of his kaitesh. [:

once kept. We once kept the [:

t in us. That's the so says, [:

go in. And there is a verse [:

o. But do those exact things [:

sking hash, when will please [:

K'vindu kol echad [:

ll be good to have you here. [:

Down [:

ur soul is alive. Abram, are [:

ther, our bride, we got your [:

est. Now look, a small show. [:

hildren that you dreamed of? [:


to doubt we should take this [:

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Aaron Toledano