Episode 22

Published on:

2nd Dec 2024

Chaburas Yosef Hatzadik (214) Descending To Help Another Jew

00:00 Introduction and Context

00:30 The Story of Rav Hirsch Rimanover

03:31 Pickinh up Neshamos

13:34 Lessons from the Baal Shem Tov

20:41 The Role of a Tzadik

33:19 Practical Applications and Conclusion

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ories, it's a beacon, a very [:

Pishl Rimonova, Pishl [:

el Wimmernever took him as a [:

av Hirsch Mishariz. He was a [:

dik Magotim, he was from the [:

tory is a tiny little story, [:

th [:

hobal, Adivir Chaim, Yitzan, [:

in [:

ny place that was big enough [:

e everybody. This was out in [:

and all came [:

So it was one day, [:

One of the noticed ki [:

usid, chush la ha sig mit ha [:

ot ready to daven. Lachetaym [:

cleaned up? Who was sweeping[:

had swept, came to the rabbi[:

. There was a surprise. Very [:

Are you the one who swept over here?

You couldn't believe it, [:

And this doesn't know why. Making a whole big deal about he swept a little bit.

id you have anything in mind [:

Uh. [:

le fell. He doesn't know any [:

shahir ov.[:

t's why I said I have the c. [:

e was very happy when I came [:

place. Ad bilti hashir shum [:

s, I didn't understand, who, [:

such, such a a, a smooth and [:

Now everything I can now I understand


sh away all of the clips and [:

ayitzah, it's about anything [:

ne of the biographies of Rav [:

The soad, the secret of what [:

So what is the, what is the [:

be ash, in order for a sadik [:

o be mashpiah, there must be [:

ls us In a number of places. [:

Ochaiv b'Eis [:

ord chayiv doesn't only mean [:

shi ches amcha, because your [:

the Gemara says, Leich Reid [:

yourself a little bit dirty. [:

ey messed up, and they fell, [:

r, a mother. You must be it. [:

pih, you're supposed to help [:

Could be that [:

ur kid, you know, to throw a [:

be playing ball in the right [:

Even I, what's, what are you [:

so many, so many stories of [:

going down that tzaddik gets [:

Takkola that took place was [:

Some of you get dirty. [:

Chassidim. Tevah ha Tayv le [:

anashim tzadik. This Yirida, [:

of it, sik to go down and be [:

and to, and to be [:

of the inner essence of the [:

t the MA should be Charlotte [:

Of Tan the Holy of Kaba [:

itsonius aleiv is concerned. [:

of a person. And the primus [:

t with a kid and whatever it [:

hat place with a kid and And [:

control of the, of the heart.[:

layv, Tserch l'sgabal amaykh.[:

g to be ash, what you should [:

s called previous life. It's [:

im yisrael ha leif sholot ha [:

Beshvila [:

Kadosh where he was b'simcha [:


see such a thing.[:

kids [:

And he's got two [:

lem. So what, what, what has [:

, I'm sorry, for Mitzuyanim. [:

eveille. Because all my, the [:

And, and [:

o. And then after this year, [:

eens. And there was some Rav [:

you know, against the wall. [:

, it was the whole year, the [:

ery, very firm Tamer Chagin. [:

when he gave the shiur too. [:

itzvahachetz B'Yezer Avodetz [:

t no a cloud Bali mad drags. [:

aal Medreger and the student [:

ain way, every one of us, hu [:

you want to be Mechazik, to [:

sweeping? That's the story, [:

a'al yikon hazeh, hishtamish [:

Ba said, that[:

The broom itself gets dirty.[:

ecially from the, from the t,[:

e a broom, to be a broom, to [:

ere's a certain kind of dirt [:

atzerach le'tatei es pirurei [:

Okay, what's, what's the big [:

y connected to this, to this [:

u v'hapas haim semel l'tipas [:

l. K'dele roimim esachaytim. [:

yverus bihizdahus g'mur. The [:

kim taught, To look for that [:

to go to that place. Doesn't [:

o it's not as refined as you [:

how you [:

crumbs under your own table.[:

trying to help , you become [:

sid, of that talmud, of that [:

should always remember that [:

hing and sweep it. And to go [:

Avraham Avinu was what? Lech [:

The chenis [:

whole story, but there was a [:

itl, and he put it under the [:

or. And the rabbi, the rabbi [:

g that the rabbi should bend [:

Hear this?

My le metzius in the world [:

to sweep to help.

She says,[:

e sweeping, the best measures[:

t him. They didn't know that [:

h this guy hued in the story.[:

over here. He felt that the [:

y don't even know what it is [:

guy that's the cleaning guy. [:

eb hirsh rimanevim. V'hafakh [:

h it away. Kimei ha sadek ha [:

This is [:

e should be thankful for the [:

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Aaron Toledano